Happy Cloud Installation - a description of the Happy Cloud Installer obsolete.Steam Installation - Steam Installation notes.Instructions for moving the Splash Screens.Gatekeeper Information - Screenshots of Apple's Gatekeeper control panels and instructions.Known Issues - A compilation of known problems with the Mac client.Messages - Screenshots of various messages generated by the Mac Client and an attempt to intuit their meanings and explain them.File Locations - Where files reside and where you need to put things like Plugins, Skins and Music files.

Problem resolution information! General Trouble Shooting Techniques.Problem resolution information! Mac Client Communications notes - Port Forwarding, UDP and other notes.The information is split to improve readability. With the release of the LOTRO Mac Client (Beta Version) there are many overlapping areas of information between First time users and on-going activities. 14.1 Capturing Screen Shots on the Mac OUTSIDE of the game.13 Stopping the constant downloading of the Transition Screens.10.1.2 Happy Cloud Installation: File Locations.9.1.1 Turbine Knowledge Base Articles related to the Mac Client.9 Assorted Mac Client Messages (including errors).8.3 How can I get F1 - F12 to work in game?.8.2 Internal Error on Logging in (German and French users).8.1 Allowing multiple users on a single machine.