World boss rotation legion
World boss rotation legion

world boss rotation legion world boss rotation legion

His tactics are rarely sophisticated, often relying on pure force to dominate enemy armies. The pit lord Brutallus is a veteran of many battles, including the most recent battle at the Sunwell.

  • Sear - Looses a gout of flame, inflicting 1,200,000 Fire damage to all enemies within 20 yards in front of the caster and reducing armor by 20% for 12 sec.
  • Quake - Stomps the ground with rage, inflicting 1,000,000 Physical damage and knocking back enemies within 50 yards.
  • Felfire Missiles - Fires a volley of missiles around a random enemy, each one inflicting 800,000 Fire damage to all enemies within 6 yards on impact.
  • Move out of melee range when Quake is being cast.
  • Overview - Apocron's Felfire Missiles are particularly deadly and should be avoided at all costs.
  • With each world conquered, the reaver's power grows, ensuring the next realm it encounters will be put to flame.
  • Mother's Embrace - Ana-Mouz attempts to charm up to three enemies.īuilt by the Legion thousands of years ago, Apocron has heralded the end for countless civilizations.
  • In addition, the damage of Impish Flames is increased by 100% for 30 sec.
  • Impish Flames - Ana-Mouz unleashes a spout of Fel flames inflicting 1,250,000 Fire damage to all enemies in a cone in front of her.
  • Fel Geyser - Ana-Mouz causes nearby Fel Geysers to erupt, inflicting Fire damage on enemies within range.
  • world boss rotation legion

  • Gaseous Breath - Ana-Mouz breathes noxious fumes toward an enemy, inflicting Nature damage to enemies within 8 yards and creating a Gaseous Cloud at the location, spawning several imps.
  • Dispel Mother's Embrace to prevent your allies from being charmed.
  • Face Ana-Mouz away from allies to avoid hitting them with Impish Flames.
  • Kill Lesser Minions summoned by Gaseous Breath.
  • Do not stand in front of the boss during Impish Flames.
  • Additionally, she summons Lesser Minions.
  • Overview - Ana-Mouz uses various area-denial abilities to limit where enemies can safely stand.

  • World boss rotation legion